
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

more things about me (a constantly growing list)

  1. i only use lowercase lettering in e-mail
  2. unless it's business e-mail
  3. i'm generally more comfortable typing in lowercase, and in non-business settings
  4. i subscribe to us weekly
  5. i wasted 10 years of my life working in telecommunications
  6. i don't think i've ever really been in love
  7. i once had a beagle named wallace, and i wanted to get another beagle and name it willis so i could a) confuse wallace and b) say 'watcha talking about, willis?' to the dog and watch it cock its head at me
  8. my favorite movie is 'the cutting edge'
  9. at this point in my life, i have so many secret single behaviors that i am not sure that i could ever cohabitate again
  10. i am two years older than my only sibling, my brother
  11. he has an established career, is married, and owns his own home. i don't think i'll ever catch up
  12. when i was younger, i wanted to be a professional swimmer
  13. by the time i got to high school, i wanted to be a lawyer
  14. i love 'goonies', the movie, and once i made my (at the time) boyfriend go to the 24-hour blockbuster in the middle of the night to rent it for me
  15. i have a sneaking suspicion that i was a band geek in high school, even though i wasn't in the band
  16. did i mention that my high school boyfriend was two years younger than me?
  17. and that i met him via the debate team?
  18. march madness is my favorite time of the year
  19. i don't floss consistently
  20. i am not able to tolerate eating sweet/salty mixtures - chocolate-covered pretzels disgust me
  21. so does chicken salad with raisins in it
  22. or pizza with pineapple
  23. i play a game of solitaire each morning on my computer to determine if i am going to have a good day
  24. i eat breadcrumbs and croutons as main dishes
  25. i was born in california and i always wonder what my life would have been like if my parents had stayed there, in our house in pacific palisades, minutes from the ocean, rather than moving to new jersey
  26. i was in a sorority in college