
Friday, January 05, 2007

10 things men can do to prevent gender violence

1. Approach gender violence as a MEN'S issue
involving men of all ages and socioeconomic,
racial and ethnic backgrounds. View men not only as
perpetrators or possible offenders, but as empowered
bystanders who can confront abusive peers.

2. If a brother, friend, classmate, or teammate is
abusing his female partner -- or is disrespectful or
abusive to girls and women in general -- don't look the
other way. If you feel comfortable doing so, try to talk
to him about it. Urge him to seek help. Or if you don't
know what to do, consult a friend, a parent, a professor,
or a counselor. DON'T REMAIN SILENT.

3. Have the courage to look inward. Question your
own attitudes. Don't be defensive when something
you do or say ends up hurting someone else. Try hard to
understand how your own attitudes and actions might
inadvertently perpetuate sexism and violence, and work
toward changing them.

4. If you suspect that a woman close to you is being
abused or has been sexually assaulted, gently ask
if you can help.

5. If you are emotionally, psychologically, physically,
or sexually abusive to women, or have been in the
past, seek professional help NOW.

6. Be an ally to women who are working to end all
forms of gender violence. Support the work of
campus-based women's centers. Attend "Take Back the
Night" rallies and other public events. Raise money for
c o m munity-based rape crisis centers and battere d
women's shelters. If you belong to a team or fraternity,
or another student group, organize a fundraiser.

7. Recognize and speak out against homophobia and
gay-bashing. Discrimination and violence against
lesbians and gays are wrong in and of themselves. This
abuse also has direct links to sexism (e.g. the sexual
orientation of men who speak out against sexism is
often questioned, a conscious or unconscious strategy
intended to silence them. This is a key reason few men
do speak out).

8. Attend programs, take courses, watch films, and
read articles and books about multicultural
masculinities, gender inequality, and the root causes of
gender violence. Educate yourself and others about how
larger social forces affect the conflicts between individual
men and women.

9. Don't fund sexism. Refuse to purchase any
magazine, rent any video, subscribe to any Web
site, or buy any music that portrays girls or women in a
sexually degrading or abusive manner. Protest sexism in
the media.

10. Mentor and teach young boys about how to be
men in ways that don't involve degrading or abusing
girls and women. Volunteer to work with gender violence
prevention programs, including anti-sexist men's
programs. Lead by example.

This poster was produced by MVP Strategies, a gender violence prevention, education and training organization.
Email: MVPStrategies@aol.com
Reprint freely with credit Copyright © 1999, Jackson Katz